On Fire A CHURCH ON FIRE!       Literally? Absolutely not! But how does one adequately describe the contagious spirit, the goodwill, the growth, the determination and all the encouraging signs that CBCC has now indeed accepted the opportunities and challenges to reach its Quo Vadis goals? Where are you heading Lord? We are following!

On July 7 and 8, Chris & Sharon Loines skillfully guided our brainstorming processes as many members and friends gathered to formulate more specific QV initiatives for the future.

The heartfelt need to establish a CBCC grief support group for our area is becoming reality as several people responded to Dorothy Copeland's call. Stay tuned.

Faithful follow-up of people who visit and show an interest in our church is forging new friendships and invite new members as Helen Noe zeros in to help them feel at home in our midst.

The leaders and course presenters of the CBCC Christian Enrichment Center are sparing no efforts to make the six week fall semester (October/November 2006) an unprecedented occasion. Dr. Albert Gordon will lead teaching/discussion groups "Living the Questions." Raising the bar of understanding and discussion of being a Christian in times like ours! Vern Clobes will present a study of Islam to promote a better understanding of current issues. Carl Witlicki (DVD and discussion) will provide insightful glimpses on the history and development of Christianity. Phylis and Betty will present Gospel-sing-along's. The actual CEC program with choices and sign-up opportunities for all will soon see light.

The WF is working with suppliers, technicians and interior decorators to enhance our library/boardroom/media center. An effective A/V brain & nerve center to centralize all CBCC technology is included. Harold Fletcher will provide the A/v expertise.

Following a successful Vacation Bible School our Children and Youth are "on fire." Our next generation is alive and well and often we get glimpses of a dedicated and happy bunch, filling our church with more music and life. Thanks Coleman, Margaret and others ...

Our Church Choir never fails to delight and inspire with excellent renditions of a variety of faith-filled music.

Our Church Administration is raising the bar of efficiency as new innovations in church software and faithful hard work keep up with the needs of a lively Church.

Good management, hard and faithful work enables The Thrift Store to serve far and wide, serving our community and strengthening the Mission of CBCC.

Under reported and often unsung are the constant loyalty, love and labor of our Church President and Governing Board, keeping CBCC on track, managing assets and finances and so much more. A salute to our leaders!

Centered in Worshiping God with emphasis where it belongs! Two morning services on Sundays, for all ages and preferences, with less visible follow up in quiet care for the suffering, the lonely, and the needy assure that CBCC never forgets why we are called "a Church!"

Is this list complete? Absolutely not! There are much more happenings. These examples only serve to bring the message that there are signs everywhere that CBCC is active and busy with the Lord's work. Are you as active and included as you want to be? If not, stay tuned - our purpose driven ministry efforts may exactly provide what you were waiting for!

A PERSONAL NOTE: My gratitude for those who walked the extra mile to help me complete June's challenges. Dr. Leonard Sponsler; Betty Catalon; Dave Laramie; Mary Staff; Rodney Ketcham; Bob Kolterman. There are more... But we do not want to miss the plane! Tienka and I love you all -- See you in August!

Dr. Fred Fourie